%'"); $offset_row = mysql_fetch_object( $offset_result ); $offset = $offset_row->offset; $perintah="select no_id,nama,year(tgl_gabung) as tgl_gabung,pica_alasan from tm_users limit $offset,1"; $hasil=mysql_query($perintah);// OR die(mysql_error()); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($hasil)) { $pm_no_id=$row["no_id"]; $pm_nama=$row["nama"]; $pm_tgl_gabung=$row["tgl_gabung"]; $pm_pica_alasan=$row["pica_alasan"]; } $img_pm="_pm/" . $pm_no_id . "_pica.jpg"; if (file_exists("$img_pm")) $img_pm="_pm/" . $pm_no_id . "_pica.jpg"; else $img_pm='images/icon_pica.gif'; // ========== // ========== // LINK GALERI // ========== $perintah="select cid from tm_content where cid=parent_cid and jenis='GALERI' order by cid desc limit 1"; $hasil=mysql_query($perintah);// OR die(mysql_error()); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($hasil)) { $cid_galeri=$row["cid"]; } $n_galeri=0; foreach (glob('_files/' . $cid_galeri . '_*.jpg') as $file) { $n_galeri++; } $file_galeri=$file; // ========== // ========== // LINK WARTA // ========== $perintah="select judul from tm_content where cid=parent_cid and jenis='WARTA' order by cid desc limit 1"; $hasil=mysql_query($perintah);// OR die(mysql_error()); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($hasil)) { $judul_warta=$row["judul"]; } // ========== // ========== // LINK TIPS // ========== $perintah="select judul from tm_content where cid=parent_cid and jenis='TIPS' order by cid desc limit 1"; $hasil=mysql_query($perintah);// OR die(mysql_error()); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($hasil)) { $judul_tips=$row["judul"]; } // ========== // ========== // LINK EVENT // ========== $perintah="select judul from tm_content where cid=parent_cid and jenis='EVENT' order by cid desc limit 1"; $hasil=mysql_query($perintah);// OR die(mysql_error()); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($hasil)) { $judul_event=$row["judul"]; } // ========== // ============ // TOTAL MEMBER // ============ $perintah="SELECT * FROM tm_users"; $hasil=mysql_query($perintah);// OR die(mysql_error()); $n_pm=mysql_numrows($hasil); // ============ // =================== // IKLAN HALAMAN DEPAN // =================== $perintah="select rid,banner_url from tm_rekanan where banner_code='TERAS' and now() between banner_tgl_mulai and banner_tgl_selesai"; $hasil=mysql_query($perintah);// OR die(mysql_error()); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($hasil)) { $rid=$row["rid"]; $banner_url=$row["banner_url"]; } if (strlen($rid)==0) { $img_iklan="_iklan/200x150.jpg"; $banner_url='_files/iklan.pdf'; } else $img_iklan="_iklan/rekanan$rid.jpg"; // =================== ?> Picanto Club Indonesia \n"); echo("if (isMobile()) document.location='http://m.picanto-indonesia.com/';\n"); echo(""); } ?>